Preparing for Job Interviews

If you're job-hunting right now and are not sure about what to expect on interview day, here are some tips on how you can prepare yourself. There are at least 3 things to prepare:

Objectives/Career Aspirations
Be prepared to say something about your short-term to mid-term goals and career aspirations. What kind of job are you looking for now? Why? What do you want to be in 3 to 5 years time? The short-term goals also intended to identify if the posting is a good fit for you. The mid-term to goals are intended to identify if you're stagnant in your career or still moving.

Strengths/Opportunities for Growth
Think of at least 3 strengths that you want to highlight that you think will be valuable for the job you're interviewing for. Think of how those strengths are an advantage in that particular job. Use every opportunity to stress on these strengths. Also think of 1 weakness (opportunity for growth), but do so strategically. Only pick a weakness that you're already working on to improve. Then stress about your improvement rather than the weakness. Ultimately, you want the interviewer to remember you as a candidate with a bunch of very pertinent strengths and no real weakness.

If you want to know how you look/sound as you present the above things you have prepared, stand in front of a mirror and talk about yourself. Interview yourself. Polish your execution as you deliver your messages.

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